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July 13, 2012


Holly Buttura

Whoa! He's not allowed to eat edibles he finds on the street but a yard sale wig, (& who knows were it's been or whose head it was on before), is okay? Oscar my man, demand ice cream today! ;-) btw, you DO wear it incredibly well!


Hehe...awesome:-) I'm glad I'm not the only one who subjects my dog to my personal weirdness. Your take on it is far more interesting and entertaining!


Oh Kristel - you don't have to tell Murph, but I HAVE seen the X-mas elf hat, and perhaps a snood or 2, appear in more than one of your photos... (I'd like to think they just love us so stupid much that they'll put up with these hyjinx, but it may have something to do with our access to the refrigerator... just maybe...)


Impressive... Oscar looks just as relaxed and dignified as always even with the "hair". Does anything ever bother that dog of yours? ;)

Taro won't hold still long enough for either hats or sunglasses (believe me I've tried). He gets concerned, hyper and will proceed to whine, jump up and lick me in protest. Aja on the other hand is far more patient with me. I like to place rabbits on her head and watch her struggle to contain her urge to murder them. So adorable.

Oh, and "Ofghan Hound" is definitely my favourite. Very regal looking. Also I believe that being in that attire would make him look more dignified during his road-side flops! You should try it ;) Haha, very nice!


Yuko! So nice to hear from you! OMG - I am DYING trying to imagine Aja with a rabbit on her head!! Wow. Oscar is pretty darn patient, but that is one thing I KNOW he wouldn't sit for! Props for your dedicated training and disciplined dogs - seriously, if I ever tried that, Oscar would have that rabbit in his mouth before it even left my hands...

Hope you, Taro, and Aja are doing superbly well - and I'm going to seriously consider your suggestion to dress up the great sloth for our painfully slow jaunts around the block - would certainly increase the attention he already gets in spades!


Upon waking up this morning I immediately had Oscar's roadside flopping image pop into my head and it made me laugh again. You have such a talent for writing; your stories are so vivid that it's almost as good as witnessing them first hand!

Well, the rabbit thing is still a little precarious. I have to be RIGHT there with my hand ready to block a potential bite, although after 4 years of practice she has mellowed out a little with the bunnies. On the other hand, if I moved back a few steps, she may succumb to the temptation to "sample" the rabbit... not good.

I wouldn't be too quick to praise my dogs' disciplined behaviour! They have their quirks too (a mix of annoying and cute I suppose); laziness just doesn't happen to be one of them, haha! You'd think after 6 years I would've figured out a way to get Taro to start out a walk calmly but we have yet to accomplish that simple task. He's great fun to train when it comes to learning new commands, but he could certainly benefit from having some of Oscar's peaceful nature rub off on him!

I had missed several of your blog posts so I'm having fun going back through them now that I have some more free time. So delightful!

Robin Schapiro

yay for finding your blog! i totally heart your work ... and your Oscar.


Aw, thanks Robin! We heart you too! :)

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