Sooo, you know that thing where your dog pauses in the middle of a game of plushie tug, his mouth nice and dried out from gnarling on polyester squirrel fur, and you notice that one side of his lip is all bunched up and stuck to his gums? I've heard it called "Elvis face", but in this house, we call that "Pirate Lip"...
Yesterday, September 19th (in case you missed the memo) was International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Now, the deep-fat-fried goodness of National Doughnut Day may have been a more naturally-fitting celebratory event for the Beast, but I thought it would be amusing to see what Oscar might look like as an actual buccaneer... (let's just call it a Halloween dress rehearsal). Hence, there he is above, snarling an "ARRRRR!" in a jaunty captain's hat and eye patch, and squinting across an imaginary poop deck. *The irony is of course that in real life the Pirate Lip is backed not by an intimidating hairy eyeball or skull and crossbones, but with Goofy Face and shoestrings of drool...
And because it'd be downright scandalous for a post of this nature to not include at least one schoolyard-worthy pirate joke...
Q: Why didn't Pirate Oscar get hungry on the desert island?
A: Because of all the sand which is there!
PRICELESS!!! Love the illustration, LOVE the photo!
(ps. in our house it's called "the Elvis Lip" and Apollo rocks it rock!)
Posted by: Holly | September 21, 2012 at 11:48 AM